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Scottish farm Hello, thanks for dropping by AdoptaFarm. This web site is about a real farm and real farm animals and their lives throughout the farming year. It is a commercial site designed to generate at least enough capital to cover the costs of it's creation, but there is also a lot of educational information that is provided free for the casual or not so casual user.

There are a number of free areas of the site that can be used in an educational context, register as a bronze member and get free monthly photo and story updates, check out the Farming Calendar for information about what is happening, and when, on the farm, check out the lamb gallery for real photos of sheep on the farm and the LambLinks for links to other sheep related sites, check out the Project on the site; completed by one of our young members, it may give you a few ideas, would you like the students to be able to add their own? There is a lot of talk about having your own website, perhaps this may be the opportunity to familiarise them with the web, by having your own webspace within the site to add your own sheep projects or put up your own content.

We have a scheme for schools that allows any number of pupils to join for £2.00 after an initial registration fee of £10. For example a class of twenty pupils could therefore join for £50 You could also personally join AdoptaFarm at the Silver level by adopting a lamb (for £10.99 a year) and following it's progress throughout the farming year, the lambing, feeding, shearing, dipping etc. sharing the information with students. You could also print off the available photographs for use within the classroom. There is much more available at the silver level.

If you would like to be part of developing AdoptaFarm into a useful resource for your students and have something you would like to add then please drop a line to Farmer Bob ( I have kids as well you know) at AdoptaFarm Education (Real email)or through our free email service. We would appreciate your input, so expect to get into a dialogue about what would help you to help the kids.
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